By Jeff Rath 8-2006


Disclaimer: The following is my opinion, and  I am exercising my freedom of speech as an American citizen. Some of the statements may not be approved by the FDA. If you have a health problem then you should see a licensed health professional. 

God designed our body to heal itself. But you must give your body the nutrition it needs to heal itself. The root cause of many degenerative diseases is acidosis. The body becomes depleted of alkalizing minerals and cannot deal with the acids formed from basic metabolic processes. Acidosis is when your body chemistry drops below a PH level of 7. Acidosis manifests itself in the form of hundreds of different degenerative diseases. These can be prevented and cured by diet and supplements.

In 1932 Otto Warburg won the Nobel prize in medicine for his discovery that cancer was anaerobic: cancer occurs in the absence of free oxygen. In chemistry, alkali solutions (PH over 7.0) tend to absorb oxygen, while acids (PH under 7.0) tend to expel oxygen. A mild alkali can absorb over 100 times as much oxygen as a mild acid. The basic food of our body is glucose. When glucose breaks down it turns into lactic acid. Our body needs an alkaline mineral to neutralize the acid. Otherwise our cells get acidic and get sick and age faster and die sooner. Cancer does not occur from a lack of chemotherapy or a lack of radiation, and one of the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy is a second or third cancer, and quite often those treatments kill the patient before it kills the cancer. The natural cures for cancer are relatively cheap and have virtually no side effects. There are at least 12 natural cures for cancer that are effective, safe, and inexpensive.

I am a walking example of how supplements can provide your body with nutrition to heal itself. I had a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis so I went to a doctor. The doctor prescribed prescription drugs. The drugs reduced the symptoms but did not cure the disease. Then pretty quickly the side effects of the drugs started manifesting themselves in my body. The doctor’s solution was more drugs to combat the side effects of the drugs that I was taking. Fairly quickly the drugs and their side effects became a disease worse than the arthritis. So I became highly motivated to find a nutritional solution to the arthritis. When I started taking 3 to 4 times the RDA of calcium I was able to fairly quickly reduce the symptoms 95%, reduce the medication 95%, reduce the side effects 95% and reduce the cost 95%. My body was developing degenerative diseases and had become acidic from a deficiency of minerals. Now I take Coral calcium with every meal and I take other vitamin and mineral supplements. I continue to experiment with supplements.

I recommend you do several things ... these are general things that will work for everybody.

1 - Drink plenty of good water all day long. We were designed to drink water, not soda pop. Don't drink carbonated beverages. Learn to enjoy drinking water. We are a spoiled culture, we seem to think that everything we drink has to be flavored, sweetened, and carbonated. Soda pop will leech minerals from your system. Filtered or bottled water is better than tap water.

2 - Get some fresh air and sunshine every day. The sun is good for you. Too much sun is bad, but too little sun is worse. We get vitamin D from the sun. One of the lies being told to us is that the sun causes cancer. Most sunblocks have carcinogens in them. Exposure to the sun actually prevents cancer. Man is designed to get sunshine and fresh air daily, but unfortunately we often live and work in environments with artificial lighting and heated and conditioned air.

3 - Walk every day. Americans don’t walk enough. The human body was designed to walk. It is good for the lungs and heart and the muscles.

4 - Take coral calcium every day. Many Americans are losing more calcium than they take in by age 30 and by the time they reach 40, 50, or 60 they have a serious calcium deficiency. There are many good calcium supplements and some that aren’t as good. Remember, it is not what you take it is what absorbs that counts. Calcium is an important mineral for keeping our bodies PH correct. Calcium is a very important mineral for your health. I take Coral Calcium with every meal.

5 - Take a super food supplement like supreme greens and take a good mineral supplement. There are many good supplements, be sure you take one. Try seaweed, kelp, algae, and other good supplements.

6 - Avoid food additives like preservatives, msg, and others. There are some diseases that go away when msg and or food additives are removed from the diet. Preservatives work by blocking enzymes. If you take food with preservatives into your digestive system then your digestive enzymes will be blocked, and your body will have trouble absorbing the nutrition from your food.

7 - Don't eat or drink any artificial sweeteners. Nutrasweet breaks down into wood alcohol when it gets above 84 degrees, and wood alcohol breaks down into formaldehyde. Nutrasweet caused brain tumors and seizures when tested on rats and monkeys. Nutrasweet is especially bad for diabetics. It raises your blood sugar and causes you to crave carbohydrates. When Nutrasweet was tested on rats it caused brain tumors and seizures.

8 - Avoid white sugar and white flour ... replace with raw sugar and whole wheat flour. When you eat foods that are missing vitamins and minerals that they would naturally have then your body has to steal them from other places in your body. After years of doing this your body will develop degenerative diseases.

9 - Avoid prescription and non-prescription drugs as much as possible. In certain situations prescription drugs are needed, but in our culture we are taking too many toxic prescription drugs. Every one of those drugs has side effects that are dangerous or lethal. That is why prescription drug usage needs to be monitored by a doctor. It is very hard if not impossible to get dangerous or lethal side effects from nutritional supplements. I have known some people who were on heart or diabetes medication who quit taking medication prematurely so they could try a natural cure. That is plain stupid. As you get cured with nutritional supplements you will get better and will no longer need the medication.

10 - Take digestive enzymes. Most adults no longer make enough digestive enzymes. Enzymes are necessary for digestion. Without enzymes your food will have to be broken down by stomach acid or bacteria in the intestines. This will cause gas and indigestion and you will not absorb the nutrition that is in your food.

11 - Eat raw fruits and raw vegetables every day. This is a basic trait of people who live long healthy lives. Fresh fruit and vegetables are better than cooked and canned fruits and vegetables.

12 – See a Naturopathic Doctor. The human body is designed to heal itself. A good homeopathic / naturopathic doctor will prescribe nutrition that your body needs to heal itself. Some people have the idea that natural doctors are witch doctors with a bone in their nose and that they use evil spirits are witchcraft to treat their patients. I do not recommend that you see witch doctor. The natural doctor that I see employs science, biology, and technology to help his patients. The doctor that I see uses a Phazix non-invasive diagnostic machine. This technology use reflexology and computers to accurately assess the patients needs.

13 – Check your body PH. You can get PH test strips at health food stores or on the internet. This can assist you in getting your body PH to 7.4.

14 – Get a blender and use it. This is a good way to get nutrition. Make a smothie with fresh vegetables and fruits to provide the body with a good source of vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes.

15 – Eat an apple each day. Remember the old saying … "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well there is some truth to that saying.

16 – Avoid hydrogenated oils. We were told that margarine is better for us than butter. Hydrogenated oils are man made. No man made food is better for you than a natural food. Margarine is NOT better for you than butter. Do not eat man made oils! Hydrogenated oils are also called trans fat. Trans fat can block insulin receiptors in some people causing diabetes.

17 – Learn to deal with stress, don’t go through life clenching your teeth and white knuckling the steering wheel. Dealing with stress the wrong way will make you sick. Get plenty of sleep, and learn how to relax. Fear and worry do not fix problems.

18 – Don’t eat a lot late at night. If you are a late night snacker you will gain weight, also you sleep better if you digest before you go to bed.

19 – Take some good vitamin and mineral supplements. Some products don’t get absorbed. Remember it is not what you take, but rather what you absorb. Some people have tried cheap supplements and did not get results.

20 – Don’t smoke and don’t drink excessively. This is pretty much common sense, but some people abuse alcohol and smoke.

21 – Surround yourself with people who love you. For most of us this is our family, but this can also be friends, or church.

22 – Become a Christian. All of the above principles will work for anyone. But if you are a Christian then you can pray and believe God to lead you to the right place and time to get healed. Also you should get involved in a church or ministry that teaches and operates gifts of healing.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

God wants us to have physical health and prosperity. It is never God's will for people to be sick.